Why You Should Lean Toward Dental Implants

Why You Should Lean Toward Dental Implants

When people want to restore their dental functionality and have the confidence to smile again, they should get treated with dental implants in Cedarhurst, NY. There is no reason for people with missing teeth to have to change their diet or refrain from smiling in photos when they get treated with dental implants. This restorative tooth replacement option lets patients have natural looking and feeling teeth that are custom designed to fit their smile perfectly.

With dental implants the patient’s jawbone density and strength are restored. Prevention of jawbone loss is a major reason why people should consider undergoing dental implant surgery.

Unfortunately, while some people still turn to traditional dentures to replace their missing teeth, traditional dentures will not stop their jawbone mass from deteriorating. Therefore, people should consider getting treated with dental implants if they are suffering from jawbone density loss and have lost the confidence to smile.

Are There Reasons Why People Should Get Treated With Dental Implants Over Traditional Dentures?

There are many reasons why people should get treated with dental implants in Cedarhurst, NY, over traditional dentures – and the reasons are quite simple. Restoring smiles with dental implants solve the disadvantages that come with getting treated with traditional dentures.

For one thing, patients may have to remove their traditional dentures prior to eating certain foods, which could become inconvenient and embarrassing. Traditional dentures can also cause pain in the gums and inflammation of the gums when biting down, keeping patients from living a normal life.

With dental implants, patients don’t have to worry about any of this. By getting treated with dental implants, patients never have to worry about their prosthesis slipping out or preventing them from having a normal diet. Maintaining and taking care of dental implants are also quite simple; patients should brush and floss their new teeth daily.

Dental implants are also custom designed to look like the patient’s natural teeth. Cosmetically speaking, dental implants can increase patients’ confidence in their smiles.

What Types Of Dental Implant Options Can I Get Treated With?

There are several different types of dental implant options patients can get treated with, depending on the number of teeth they are missing. The types of dental implants in Cedarhurst, NY patients can get treated with at a trusted dental professionals office include:

Single Dental Implants:

A single dental implant replaces a single missing tooth. Because the dental implant post acts like a natural tooth root, it stimulates the patients jawbone to keep it healthy and strong. Once the prosthesis or crown is attached, patients have a natural and beautiful looking new smile.

Implant Supported Dentures:

In an implant supported denture procedure, two or more dental implants are securely placed in the patient’s jawbone. The dental implant post is used as a secure foundation for the denture to be attached and stabilized onto. With implant supported dentures, patients have restored dental functionality and an aesthetically pleasing new smile.

Full Mouth Dental Implants:

When people have a full arch of missing teeth, they should get treated with full mouth dental implants. Full mouth dental implants use four or more dental implants to secure a full arch prosthesis in a patient’s mouth. With full mouth dental implants, patients will have restored jawbone density and a beautiful new smile they will be able to live their normal life normally with.

What Happens If Don’t Restore My Smile With Dental Implants?

For those who have missing teeth, but do not get them replaced with dental implants, they could experience the following problems:

  • Jawbone density loss
  • A resorbed jawbone that gives people an aged facial appearance
  • The inability to maintain a normal diet or speak properly
  • Feeling embarrassed about having missing teeth

Whether people have one or more missing teeth, they should restore their smile with dental implants. With life-improving dental implants, patients don’t have to deal with the inconvenience and uncomfortableness of having missing teeth.


Come To Our Office So We Can Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants In Cedarhurst, NY

When you come to our caring and advanced office, we can restore your smile for years to come with dental implants. Your new smile will be precisely placed with the latest techniques and technologies for the most trusted and reliable results. Don’t wait to improve your smile with us. Get in contact with Dr. Allon Waltuch and our exceptional team at our Advanced Implant Dentistry & Oral Restoration office to schedule an appointment today!

- Advanced Implant Dentistry and Oral Restoration