Why Would I Need A Tooth Extraction?

Dr Waltuch Cedarhurst, NY
While a skilled and trusted dental professional will always try to save a patient's natural tooth, that is not always possible. When people's teeth cannot be saved, they will need to be extracted through a tooth extraction in Cedarhurst, NY. After the patient has had their tooth extraction, they will be able to replace their extracted tooth with a gold standard dental implant. Why exactly, however, would people need to get treated with a tooth extraction? Continue reading to learn about why people would need to protect their smile with a tooth extraction procedure.

The Reasons Why You Would Need A Tooth Extraction In Cedarhurst, NY

If people's teeth are severely damaged by infections or tooth decay and cannot be repaired, then they should consider undergoing a tooth extraction procedure. As the name suggests, this is when a tooth is extracted from its socket. There are a number of specific reasons why people would need tooth extraction procedures. The following are the most common reasons why people would get a tooth extraction:  
  • Want to replace their extracted teeth with dental implants
  • Teeth are too damaged to be saved
  • Teeth are severely infected or diseased
  • Have advanced gum disease
  • Have severe bone loss around teeth

What Types Of Tooth Extractions In Cedarhurst, NY Can I Get Treated With?

There are two different types of tooth extractions people can get treated with at a quality dental professional’s practice. Usually, before any type of tooth extraction procedure is performed, the dental professional will numb the region around the tooth extraction site with sedation dentistry. The exact types of tooth extractions they can have are simple tooth extractions and surgical tooth extractions. The following goes into detail about what both types of tooth extractions do.

Simple Extractions:

Simple extractions are typically done on teeth that are visible above the edge of the patient's gums. The dental professional will use a tool, called an elevator, to remove the selected tooth. The dental professional will then use forceps to shake the tooth back and forth until it is separated from its socket. The common reasons for performing a simple tooth extraction, are for teeth that have suffered trauma from being crowded together or decayed.

Surgical Extractions:

For more severe cases, surgical tooth extractions are performed. Specifically, if a tooth is fractured below the gum line, and has to be removed in fragments, or if a tooth is badly decayed to the point that forceps cannot remove the tooth from its socket, then those teeth will need to be removed with a surgical extraction procedure. When people get treated with a surgical extraction, the dental professional will make incisions within the gum line to perform the extraction properly.

What Types OF Dental Implants Can I Get Treated With After Having Tooth Extractions?

After the patient has undergone their tooth extraction and depending on how many of their teeth have been extracted, they can get those extracted teeth replaced with dental implants. The dental implant options people can get treated with are single dental implants, implant supported dentures, and full mouth dental implants. Here are the exact ways each dental implant option restores a patient's smile after they have had a tooth extraction.

Single Dental Implants:

A single dental implant is an ideal tooth replacement option for those who have had one tooth extracted. This treatment involves the surgical placement of a single dental implant post into the patient's jawbone to replace the root of the extracted tooth. Once the dental implant post has fully integrated with the patient's jawbone, a custom-made tooth crown is attached to it with an abutment, giving the patient a better looking, feeling, and functional new smile.

Implant Supported Dentures:

For those who have extracted teeth, or are tired of dealing with traditional dentures, then they should get treated with implant supported dentures. Unlike traditional dentures, implant supported dentures involves the dental professional surgically placing two or more several dental implants into the patient's jawbone to firmly anchor the denture in place. By getting their extracted teeth replaced with implant supported dentures, the patient will have a more stable and comfortable new smile that will improve their oral function and quality of life.

Full Mouth Dental Implants:

When people have a full arch of missing or extracted teeth, then they should get those teeth replaced with full mouth dental implants. In a full mouth dental implant procedure, four or more dental implants are used to support a full arch prosthesis. By getting treated with full mouth dental implants, patients will be able to maintain a normal diet, speak clearly, and smile confidently for years to come.

See Us Now So We Can Expertly Treat You With Tooth Extractions

Do you have one or more teeth that need to be extracted? We can strategically perform your tooth extraction procedure with the latest techniques and technologies. We can then replace your extracted teeth with restorative dental implants. Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with our doctors,  Michael Klein, DDS and Allon Waltuch, DDS, and our exceptional team at our office by Cedarhurst, NY to schedule your consultation!

- Advanced Implant Dentistry and Oral Restoration